THE FIND: In case a paycheck and possibly a sense of fulfillment aren't the only things you're gaining from work, I found an article with ideas for helping you to lose weight while you're at work. WHAT I GET OUT OF IT: The suggestion of keeping a resistance band at work to slip in a little workout. I'd love that to go with my lunchtime walk that will start again when it warms up!
THE FIND: A long lost brother and sister. WHAT I GET OUT OF IT: Nothing. They're not even really my relatives (what, you're shocked that I'm not related to Aaron Cook?). But they do share my own last name and have inspiring stories of weight loss.
THE FIND: Motivational Tips from the experts. WHAT I GET OUT OF IT: Tip #5 - Especially the part about getting new shoes! I just replaced my worn out tennies with a swanky new pair and boy do I feel it during Boday Attack! Next up? New bra shopping.
THE FIND: I will be travelling this weekend and always struggle with what to eat on the road. Maybe this research into Taco Bell's "diet food" will help. WHAT I GET OUT OF IT: Just a reminder that no fast food restaurant (or any other kind for that matter) will have a magic formula for losing weight. Sure, these menu options are a healthier choice, but it's all about balance and moderation. I like to look at nutritional information, online or through other resources, and make informed decisions on what to eat while dining out. As any Weight Watcher can tell you, nearly any restaurant has some healthier option on the menu. You juts have to do a little legwork to find it.
BONUS: I like this guy's idea of "self" control. Don't think it will work with my coworkers though. They'd just eat my treats before I got to them. Wait - maybe that is a good idea!