I love the original concept of this blog. It was to read advice and tips from various sources, try them out and share them with you. Except that I don't seem to have time to even read them anymore, let alone try them. I do enjoy writing about my weight loss journey. I do enjoy structure. I feel the need to take some time to decide what I really want this blog to be. Which brings me to:
#2. This blog is taking a (semi) break.
The only blogging I will be doing in the month of April will be answers to SITs activities. All of my "weight loss journy" posts lately have been dry and only about weight watchers challenges/activities. I have found other outlets for that type of sharing that seem to be a better fit. Until I know what this blog wants to be, I don't feel like posting about weight loss just for the sake of posting. Plus the current activities at SITs have been great ideas!
#3. This blog is feeling violated.
Until recently, I felt pretty secure about how personal this blog was. If you "knew me" knew me, you would recognize my face, my name and probably knew who I was referring to in the stories I told. If you only knew me as Marcy from Better Jeans, or if our connection was purely cyber in nature, you didn't really have any sensitive information about me. And then I found out I have at least one anonymous reader. Let me tell you, the experience was not as gratifying as I might have thought. In fact, now everytime I think of a topic for a post I feel judged by this person. I shouldn't feel that way. A week ago I didn't care what I told you. I still don't care what I tell 95% of you. This one (or more) reader has me questioning what to share and suddenly I can't write a single sentence of substance. That's not what I want from a blog. I love sharing the real life issues of weight loss, healthy living and all the side-stuff that goes along with it to make up my life.
In the meantime readers (especially you, ms-anonymous-lurker), her are some other bloggers I think you'll enjoy:
Get some daily reality from Rachel at The Lazy Christian. I especially liked her post about this topic we all struggle with.
Let Netters from A Full Place ~ A Happy Life inspire you with her menu planning. Here's one from around this time last year to get you in the right season.
Let Crystal at moneysavingmom help you in your spring cleaning (and follow her for all her deals and great ideas, too!)
And when all other blogs fail to keep me entertained, I like to go to this blog and read the rants and raves of other women who are just as annoyed as I am.

P.S. This is the only time I will bother addressing you, miss-anonymous-lurker. In the future, please feel free to direct your feedback to me and it will be addressed in a timely manner.
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